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TNT Farming Solutions soil amendments are Organic Whole Saltwater Salmon Fermentation. Just natural fermentation. The way nature intended.

We have the ideal product for every type of application. Whether you’re a commercial or hobby grower, our organic soil amendments have the potential to deliver superior results.
Image by Gabriel Jimenez


TNT HI-ENERGY FISH 2-3-0 HEF (2-0-0) and (2-3-0) are GMO-free, OMRI Listed natural sources of highly concentrated whole saltwater fish fermentation solubles and beneficial bacterial microbes that work synergistically to increase a plant’s resistance to pathogen invasion through high-speed seamless colonization of the soil and plant microbiomes. These products are suitable for Organic and non-Organic cultural practices. Specific microbes and ingredients in the HEF (2-0-0) and (2-3-0) are adversely impacted by soils that contain residue from the active ingredients and surfactants that are part of some pesticides. Similarly, the use of fungicidal products may hinder the performance of these products.

TNT Hi Energy Fish
Small Plant


TNT Activator is a unique blend of natural biostimulants, trace, and ultra-trace minerals, nutrients, and energy sources which create an explosion of beneficial soil microorganisms that stimulate root growth and the plant’s natural immune system.​

TNT Activator
Close Up of Corn Field


TNT Accelerator is a unique blend of natural biostimulants, micronutrients, ultra-trace elements, and our TNT Hi-Energy Fish.  Formulated with only premium ingredients, TNT Accelerator provides your seedlings or young plants with the kick they need to get them off to a good start with better and faster germination, improved vigor, and root growth.  TNT Accelerator is made of ingredients approved for organic use. This product is suitable for organic or conventional systems and can be used in the early stages of all cropping systems, including turf and greenhouse applications.​

TNT Stimulator
TNT Accelerator Brief
TNT Accelerator Label
Cabbage Field


Super Salmon + is a blend of products all derived from salmon, including the whole salmon. As a fish unmatched for its fat content, this product provides your crops with a unique energy boost—especially since most of those fats have been naturally fermented and converted to a soluble form that is rapidly absorbed and utilized by the plant and the microbes associated with its biosphere. It also contains kelp and chitin, both compounds that can help your plants cope with abiotic stresses.

TNT Super Salmon+
Bale of Hay


TNT Hi-Energy Spray is a combination of natural products specially selected and blended to support and promote the growth and production of forages and pastures but is suitable for use on other crops as well. The TNT Hi-Energy Fish in TNT Hi-Energy Spray works to enhance the benefits of the other ingredients, improving the microbial and plant response to increasing crop quality and yield.

Hi Energy Spray
Image by Paz Arando

TNT HI CALCIUM - Coming Soon


TNT Hi Calcium
TNT Hi Calcium Brief
TNT Bone Ash Label
Image by Francesco Gallarotti



Similar to TNT Activator, TNT Trash Buster contains several natural ingredients that activate the soil biology to help achieve a particular goal - in this case, the reduction of crop residues. Because of this different goal, the ingredients and their amounts are different, thus nudging the microbial community toward the breakdown of the tougher, more fibrous crop residues. This can be of great benefit in no-till operations where the buildup of crop residues can pose unique challenges.​

TNT Trash Buster
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